Friday, April 12, 2013

Where's My Clear Termite Report?

One of the most common questions we get:  Where is my clear termite report? 

Our answer:  What is a clear termite report?

Here are some of the most common answers we get:  A report with no termites, (8B marked), a report with the conducive conditions all marked No (numbers 15, 16, 17, and 18 on the report), and my favorite, "nothing marked on report."

Let's start from the beginning.  There is no such thing as a clear report.
Look at 1B on the report.  The option is to check mark either Original Report or Supplemental Report.  No "clear report" option.  A Supplemental Report is a report completed within 30 days of the Original.

 I most often hear a realtor and/or escrow agent say that the lender is requiring a clear report.  The first thing to ask the lender is what they consider a clear report. Once they give you a definition, we can help.
The two most common cases that a lender is looking for are:  A report after a termite treatment is completed, or a report after some repairs on conducive conditions are done. 
As long as the treatment and/or repairs are finished, we can reinspect and issue a report.

The key point is, when someone in the transaction asks you for a clear report, get their specific definition.  It is surprising what they actually mean compared to your definition.  I have talked to lenders and they tell you that they don't care about Faulty Grades and just want the Excessive Moisture calls fixed.  Every lender is different.

It all boils down to this:  There is no such thing as a clear report, so get a definition of what is required in writing.

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