Monday, April 8, 2013

Question From The Field

Question:  I have a mobile home that your company inspected. It has a wood siding (skirt) that is in contact with the ground. You called it on the report as EC (Earth-To-Wood Contact).  I understand that, but another local termite inspection company said that since is was "Green Wood", it was exempt from calling.

Answer:   Green Wood and Pressure treated woods are great for helping against the fight of wood-destroying insects, but they are still wood. Thus the skirting would be an Earth-To-Wood Contact. Since this was such a unique question, I did contact the OPM (Office of Pest Management) to verify that our initial call was correct according to their rules. They confirmed that our call of EC was absolutely correct.

For these types of calls we add a little extra verbiage to the report such as " this is a common building feature."  These extra words seem to help the reader of the termite report get a much better sense of these types of calls.

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