Friday, August 30, 2013

Termites and Real Estate Signs

You ask yourself, what do termites and real estate signs have in common?  It turns out a lot.

We recently did a termite inspection at a home in Phoenix.  There were no signs of termites, except in the garage.  There was a real estate sign laying down, with evidence of Subterranean termites on the end of the sign post.

Now you may be asking yourself, so what?  When a termite inspector does an inspection, and sees evidence of Wood-destroying Insects (termites, etc.) we must mark them on the report on line 8A.  So, when some on pulls out the real estate sign and places it in the house or around the exterior, this may be causing an unwanted termite report issue for you.

This situation may sound like one in a million.  Think again.  This exact scenario happens two to three times a year!

So what is the solution?  Metal signs, no signs, leave them in the ground?  That is up to you, we are just making you aware of the potential problem.

Knowledge is power.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't think so the termites and Real Estate Signs falls in the same category. Even in sense of lot.. Am i right??
