Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Active or Inactive Termites?

One of the biggest questions we get as inspectors doing a W.D.I.I.R. (termite inspection for real estate), is:  "are the termites active or inactive"? 

The reality for this report is, it doesn't matter.  When we do inspections we aren't looking for active or inactive termites, we are looking for "Evidence of Wood-Destroying Insects (Subterranean termites, Drywood termites, beetles, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, etc.)" 

Evidence can be, but is not limited to: termites (dead or alive), tubes, stains from tubes, frass, pellets, damage, etc.  When we see any of this evidence, the OPM (Office of Pest Management) says we are to mark 8A (Evidence of Wood-Destroying Insect...) on the report.

Here is exactly what they say:   "Box 8A will need to be marked even if the observed evidence is deemed from past activity such as: tube stains, fecal pellets, termites, or wood boring insect damage.  Only list what is actually observed and do not infer or opinionate on insect activity."   These specific instructions are from the OPM's "Suggestions for Completing the WDIIR FORM"  that came out March 6, 2009.